Friday, October 22, 2010


I'm beginning to think that maybe I can do this!! I have reached my 20 pounds lost milestone. It is getting easier for me to not obsess and think about food all the time. I have even done pretty good with having yummy things around. I went to Great Harvest Bread to get some yumminess for the kids for lunch and I have been really good. Only two small slices of pumpkin bread (not on the same day). I even went to lunch bunch yesterday and had pizza and salad. I ate my salad with dressing on the side and just dipped my fork into it before each bite. I hardly made a dent in the dressing. I had one piece of pizza and brought the rest home for the family to enjoy!!

I can fit into some of my size smaller clothes. I feel skinnier. I still wake up everyday though and think I'll have gained all the weight back. I am on that treadmill everyday! I think it keeps me at a more consistent pace and it seemed to help take off more weight than walking in the mornings. I tried to add some weight lifting, but with my wrist problems, it just killed me to do even the small 5 pound weights. I don't know what I'm going to do about toning. It needs to be done, but I just haven't figured out how yet. I am ahead on the Biggest Loser contest. I don't want the money, just the satisfaction of having completed a task set before me and reaping the benefits of my discipline. I so want to get below 200. It will be a glorious day of celebration for me!!!

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